Test Article.


Change Log

  • Updated on 2023-11-11
    • Updated screenshots for 6.4
  • Updated on 2023-11-08
    • Headings changed to sentence case
  • Updated on 2023-09-26
    •  Improve “switch to draft” placement 50217
    • Added a pair of new screenshots to add “Apply busy status to the publish button in progress and unify button width 48444
    • Added a new video to add “[Inserter – Media tab]: Upload Openverse images when inserted 48501
  • Updated on 2023-08-
    • Add component 50260
    • Display device icon on “preview” and “view” buttons 50218
    • Distraction Free Mode: Don’t show the metaboxes 48947
    • Updates the behavior of the top toolbar fixed setting 49634
  • Updated 2023-08-08
    • Replaced “Reusable Blocks” with “Patterns”
  • Updated 2023-06-27
    • Added links to Gutenberg demo website.
  • Updated 2023-04-16
    • Updated screenshot for more options.
    • Added information about Distraction Free mode.
  • Updated 2022-10-24
    • Add screenshot for Time to read.
    • Updated screenshots to show the View button in the top toolbar
    • Content tweaked. FAQ removed.
    • Added new videos to show tips to work with the Editor
  • Update 2022-06-02
    • Text updated for clarity.
  • Update 2022-05-13
    • Updated content/screenshots for 6.0.
    • Rewrote sections for clarity.
    • The blocks section moved to a new page.
  • Update 2022-01-18
    • Added Section: List view
  • Update 2020-08-17
    • Added Section: New to WordPress 5.5
    • Added link to Block Directory page.
  • Update 2020-03-29
    • Added section on default Fullscreen mode, introduced in WordPress 5.4
  • Update 2020-03-19
    • Move the “Shortcuts” section above the FAQs
  • Update 2020-03-18
    • Changed occurrences of “new editor” to “block editor”
    • changed occurrences of “old editor” to “Classic editor”
    • Added Anatomy of a Block graphic and explanations
    • Reformatted the FAQ questions to Paragraphs with medium size bolded text instead of Capitalized H5
    • Added link to Classic Block page and Shorcode Block page
    • Changed the link to the Shortcut list to the developer documentation page.


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